Our Story

"There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is God's finger on man's shoulder." ~Charles Morgan

Who would have guessed that a trip to Northern Ontario would end up in a love story? And what a story it is. These two love birds met two years ago when Vick came to Sudbury with Isabel and Ivan Alum to minister. Vick gave a powerful and encouraging word to Jane. What bliss.

One year passed.

Jane went to a conference in Stratford with her family. Somehow, Vick heard that Jane’s family wanted to go to a campsite in the evenings. Not able to fathom living in a tent for three nights, Vick took matters into his own hands, and opened his home to Jane and her family, to “camp out” in the basement.

His generosity and open heart were a welcome sight for Jane, who would rather camp in a hotel than a forest. During that stay, Vick and Jane started to get to know each other a little more.

Over the course of the next year, Vick and Jane began to correspond. Their friendship was welcome, especially in a season marked with growth and change.

Allowing God’s love, inner healing, forgiveness and reconciliation into their lives created unexpected and amazing changes that propelled Vick and Jane into new chapters of their life. They were there for each other and their friendship grew.

One day, Vick and Jane began to talk more. And more. Until 2AM more. Every day. However, while Vick was willing to keep doing this, Jane was not. Was this just a friendship, or something more?

She prayed for God to give Vick a dream. Show him a sign. Something! Little did she know, Vick prayed for God to tell her to move down to London. Vick wasn’t going to do it. And Vick won! Jane had a dream that she left her sister and moved down to London to be with him. Boy, nothing left to guess!

Then Jane prayed. Going from friendship to courtship was an uncertain and potentially risky path…and how to navigate it? So Jane visited Vick with a chaperone (thanks Leah!), and one night had a conversation that would change everything…

Fast forward to the present, and you’ll find two hearts ready to enter into a new chapter of life together, a chapter that has never been written, full of promise, hope, and dreams waiting to come true.

For all the details in a story that involves steak, lots of driving, chaperones, candles, waterfalls, mystery and intrigue…have a chat with Vick or Jane......

Or wait until their book comes out ☺.




November 10th,

  • 10:30 hrs Ceremony
  • 17:30 hrs Reception
  • 18:00 hrs Dinner
  • 20:00 hrs Dance


Wedding Ceremony

Faith Tabernacle Church
1920 Huron Street
London ON, N5V 3A7


Maltese Canadian Club
70 Charterhouse Cresent
London ON, N6G 4TG


Coming from out of town? Here are some places to stay.

To see a map of all hotels near the Maltese Canadian Club, CLICK HERE.

For London visitor information, visit www.londontourism.ca


We recognize that especially for those of you coming from far away, simply attending our wedding will already entail spending money on travel and hotels. The very best present we can receive is your presence at our wedding and your love and support as we embark on this adventure together.

As far as gifts go, we still need to figure out who has a hair dryer (Jane?) and which toaster to use (Vick’s?). We anticipate knowing what we need a little better after settling in. So to keep things simple and ensure your present is used where most needed, monetary gifts are preferred, and will help us as we establish our new home and life together.

To make it easier for the more traditional gift givers among you, we have set up a registry on www.giftregistry.sears.ca and would also appreciate gift cards from Canadian Tire and Future Shop.


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